Wednesday 17 July 2024


Easy No-knead Chewy Artisan Bread


Recipe adapted from Sally's Baking Recipes

Makes 2 loaves


1. 500g flour of at 11-12.7% protein content
2. 415g cold distilled water (83% of flour's weight)
3. 1.5 tsp salt (10g) (7.5% of flour weight)
4. 10-20g fresh yeast (use just 10g if you are leaving the dough in fridge overnight)
5. 100-200g sunflowers seeds as desired
6. 2 TBS flaxseeds (optional)
7. A handful of rolled oats or pumpkin seeds for sprinkling (optional)


1. Using a spatula, combine flour, yeast, salt and cooled distilled water into a dough. Add sunflower seeds and flaxseeds and mix well. You can make your own distilled water by boiling water and letting it cool down.

2. Cover and rest for 2 hours.

3. After resting your dough for 2 hours, you can divide into two portions and bake or rest them in the fridge overnight. The longer you rest it, the more flavorful it will be. You can rest it up to 3 days.

4. Remove dough from fridge and let it sit for 30-45 mins to return back to room temperature.

5. Pre-heat oven to 250 deg C.

6. Form it into 2 equal portions (if you haven't already bake one portion the previous day already!)

7. Place it on a baking tray laid with baking paper. You can sprinkle some cornmeal before for the crunch.

8. Roughly shape it into a round dough or a bread form.

9. Score it with a few cuts on the surface (optional, for aesthetics)

10. Sprinkle some rolled oats on top for aesthetic (optional).

11. Place a thermometer into the dough (optional) and when the core temperature reaches 96-98 deg C, your bread is done.

12. Place bread in the oven middle top tray.

13. To get the golden crisp, pour a glass of water into the oven bottom tray and close the door. Turn down temperature to 220 deg C.

14. Bake for 30 minutes until golden or until when the thermometer peeps.

15. Remove your bread from the oven and let it cool down on the rack for 5-10 mins before cutting it.


Organic wheat flour from Føtex Supermarket

Add 7.5g salt (1.5% of flour weight)

Add 10-20g yeast. 10g if you are resting the dough in the fridge overnight. 15-20g if you are baking it after resting at room temperature for 2 hours.

Add 400ml + 1 tablespoon water (total 415ml)

Mix well.

Place on a baking paper on a baking tray. You can sprinkle some cornmeal for a crunch below.

Cover with plastic and let it rest for 30-45 mins to get back to room temperature.

Score them a few times on the top layer.

Place them in the oven at 250 deg C, and splash a glass of water into the lower tray to generate steam that gives it a golden crust. Close the oven door.

Reduce temperature to 220 deg C and bake for 25 minutes or until the thermometer reads 96-98 deg C.

Let cool for 5-10 minutes before cutting the bread.

Ready to be served with butter, jam or cheese, or simply eat them plain :-)


Easy No-knead Chewy Artisan Multigrain Bread (50% Whole Grain)

Recipe adapted from Sally's Baking Recipes

This is 50% of whole grain based on weight of flour, not liquid.

Makes 2 loaves


1. 500g flour of at 11-12.7% protein content
2. 415g cold distilled water (83% of flour's weight)
3. 2 tsp salt (10g) (2% of flour weight)
4. 20g fresh yeast
5. 400g soaked/cooked wheat kernels, oat kernels or rye kernels
6. 100g sunflowers seeds 
7. 2 TBS flaxseeds (optional)
8. 1 TBS chia seeds (optional)
9. A handful of rolled oats or pumpkin seeds for sprinkling (optional)


1. If you are using wheat kernels or rye kernels, soak 150g to soften them in 300ml hot water for 20 mins or cold water overnight and drain. You don't need to soak sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds or sesame seeds.

2. Rinse until water isn't cloudy and drain well. If you drain well, you should be able to get 75-100ml of liquid of it. There shouldn't be liquid dropping from the drainer, although one or two drops left still dripping is fine.

3. Using a spatula, combine flour, yeast, salt and distilled water into a dough. You can make your own distilled water by boiling water and letting it cool down. Add sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, chai seeds, wheat kernels and rye wheat kernels. The dough is sticky, but not a level wet mixture. If you round it up, it could still hold its shape before slowly flattening out.

4. Cover and rest for 2 hours.

5. After resting your dough for 2 hours, you can divide into two portions and bake or rest them in the fridge overnight. The longer you rest it, the more flavorful it will be. You can rest it up to 3 days.

6. Remove dough from fridge and let it sit for 30-45 mins to return back to room temperature.

7. Pre-heat oven to 250 deg C.

8. Form it into 2 equal portions (if you haven't already bake one portion the previous day already!)

9. Place it on a baking tray laid with baking paper. You can sprinkle some cornmeal before for the crunch.

10. Roughly shape it into a round dough or a bread form.

11. Score it with a few cuts on the surface (optional, for aesthetics)

12. Sprinkle some rolled oats on top for aesthetic (optional).

13. Place a thermometer into the dough (optional) and when the core temperature reaches 96-98 deg C, your bread is done.

14. Place bread in the oven middle top tray.

15. To get the golden crisp, pour a glass of water into the oven bottom tray and close the door. Turn down temperature to 220 deg C.

16. Bake for 30 minutes until golden or until when the thermometer peeps.

17. Remove your bread from the oven and let it cool down on the rack for 5-10 mins before cutting it.

Additional Information:

From making fresh noodles from scratch, I learned that it is water that activates gluten formation. No wonder my bread had felt heavy, because I use milk. So now I bake bread with water and voila, it is really super chewy and delicious. Daddy FECS and everyone at home love my bread now. C's play date could not have enough of it. How fulfilling it is to bake bread that everyone loves and is being eaten up.

An easy way to get distilled water is to boil the water.

Because the gluten is well-developed, the bread also lasts longer without getting dry, like my bread used to before.

I started with 9g salt (12g for 500g flour), but could reduce it down to 7.5g. In general, salt can be 1-1.5% of flour weight.

According to The Baking Network, "Don’t spray a lot of water on the dough before baking it (it can weaken the outer crust). Use a younger starter (fed within a few hours) with stronger gluten instead of a weaker broken down starter(which is past it’s prime and hasn’t been fed for a long time). Consider sifting out the coarser bran, soften it with boiling water and then add it back to the dough after the gluten is developed and the bran is cooled. Err on the side of slightly under-proofing for the final proof.
Be gentle when handling the dough and shaping it.


Organic wheat flour from Føtex Supermarket

Soak 150g of cracker rye and/or wheat kernels in 300ml of boiling water for 30 minutes.

Drain well.

Add 10g salt (2% of flour weight)

Add 10-20g yeast. 10g if you are resting the dough in the fridge overnight. 15-20g if you are baking it after resting at room temperature for 2 hours.

Add 400ml + 1 tablespoon water (total 415ml)

Mix well.

Add the wheat or rye kernels.

See the gluten forming already with the long stretch.

This is how the dough looked like after adding the grains. It is wet and sticky, but could hold its shape when you round the side, and not just a flat wet mixture.
Cover with plastic and let it rest for 2 hours at room temperature.

After resting for 2 hours, if you can't wait, you can divide them into two equal portions and bake one of the portion first, while refrigerate overnight the other portion.

Cover and let it rest for 30 minutes

It has doubled in size.

Score them lightly on the surface (optional)

The dough the night before

After taking it out from the fridge the following day.

Shape it into a round ball.

Place on a baking paper on a baking tray. You can sprinkle some cornmeal for a crunch below.

Cover with plastic and let it rest for 30-45 mins to get back to room temperature.

Then brush with egg for a glossy look.

Score them a few times on the top layer.

Place them in the oven at 250 deg C, and splash a glass of water into the lower tray to generate steam that gives it a golden crust. Close the oven door.

Reduce temperature to 220 deg C and bake for 25 minutes or until the thermometer reads 96-98 deg C.

Let cool for 5-10 minutes before cutting the bread.

Ready to be served with butter, jam or cheese, or simply eat them plain :-)

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